Thursday, May 1, 2008

Test Day #1

My PET scan, CT scan and Echo was scheduled for today, so my mom drove in last night so she could go with me today. Yesterday, I had to have a "lazy" day and do nothing, drink lots of water and have low to no carbs for dinner for the PET scan. After midnight, nothing to eat or drink. So I did all that, got up this morning and off we went to the hospital. We get there, sign in and the receptionist tells me that she has nothing scheduled for me. I think my jaw hit the floor (my chin is getting bruised from all this jaw-dropping news!). She called around and finally talked to someone who can see every department in the hospital and they told her that my doctor had sent a fax to cancel all my tests for today. Needless to say, I was IRATE!! We have already put these tests off a week for us to go to MD Anderson and now it was going to be cancelled??? I DON'T THINK SO!! So, I called my doctor's office and spoke to Bill (her nurse). He was totally shocked and was just about as irate as we were. He jumped on the phone with the scheduler and then called me back. They were able to get me in and do my CT scan today. They brought me two LARGE cups of this lemonade tasting stuff to drink in one hour. It wasn't that it was that bad, but I don't like lemonade and there was SO MUCH to drink. I took my last sip just about 1 minute before they called my name to go back. I went to the nurse and she had to put an IV in. She got it on the first try! YIPPEE!! The whole test lasted about 10 minutes. My PET and Echo were rescheuled for tomorrow. Dr. Lee said she was going to get to the bottom of this. We still don't know what happened. So, guess what...I get to eat another low to no carb dinner and have nothing to eat or drink after midnight and the PET scan isn't until 1:45 pm tomorrow. Tomorrow should be fun too...don't ya think!?! After the scan, my mom took me and Rob to go eat. After lunch, mom and I went to the American cancer society to look at wigs. They didn't have any cute ones so we got a catalog and went home. I had an upset stomach from the lemonade stuff so I took a nap. Now I feel much better and am ready to have an evening at home.

Thanks for all the prayers and support! And remember... With God, WE WILL BEAT THIS!!


Anonymous said...

I know its probably frustrated with all the nurses/doctors and testing - just keep strong and know we all are praying for you and love you! xoxo- Sarah

Unknown said...

Glad you made it through the day.