Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The OTHER "R" Word

Well, this is the "R" word we hoped we would NEVER hear...relapse. As you know, I have had a sore throat for about a month, so my doctor sent me to have a PET scan to see if there was anything behind my tonsils that we should be concerned with. Well, as far as we can tell, the tonsils are not a big worry, but we did find a mass under my sternum bone. From what she says, this is a very common place for recurrence for lymphoma. Unfortunately, where it is, it can not be biopsied unless they split my sternum bone. The radiologist won't touch it because of the blood vessels surrounding it, the surgeon doesn't want to cut my chest wide open and split the bone, and the pulmonologist can not scope it due to its place. Therefore, we aren't 100% sure that it is lymphoma, but she's pretty sure just because it is common. Unfortunately, in Tyler, there isn't much they can do, so we will be going to the Baylor cancer institute in Dallas for more testing to see if they can figure out a way to biopsy it, if a biopsy is really even needed, idea for treatment (which she said would be more intensive than Hyper CVAD), and possibly a bone marrow transplant. If I do have to get a bone marrow transplant, I will have to be in isolation anywhere from 30-100 days. UGH!!! Please pray that they can find a way to biopsy the mass without cutting through the bone, and that it is NOT cancer. We are still very much in shock. This was not a day we really and truly thought would come. God healed me once, He can do it again! I am not giving up this fight and I have God and my prayer warriors by my side. I'll keep y'all updated!



Sunday, July 26, 2009


So, the past few days have been a little stressful. On Thursday, I went to the doctor for my monthly blood work. Everything came back in normal range. Great! Well, I've had a sore throat on top of the migraines and insomnia, so I tell the doctor and she goes to check it out. When she looks in my throat, she tells me that my tonsils are "impressive." I ask her if impressive=big? She says yes and tries to look deeper by using a tongue depressor. Well, she decided she was going to schedule a PET scan for me on Monday to see if there is anything behind my tonsils causing the inflammation or if it is strictly tonsillitis. Well, I know I am in full remission, and I know that God has healed me, but I am human and cancer does relapse, so I'm scared. Who wouldn't be?? So, I have my PET scan on Monday at 8:30am, and an appointment with the ENT on Thursday. Please pray it is only tonsillitis. So, that was Thursday.

On Friday, I get up and go to work like a normal day. The migraine starts to kick in (like a normal day), so I decide to try one of the new medications my neurologist gave me. I take it and within about 15-20 minutes, I get very hot and every muscle starts to ache. After a few minutes of this, I get online to find out if these are normal side effects and what else I can expect. Well, when I go online, I realize that this certain medication includes Naproxen which is the pain reliever found in Advil, Motrin, etc., which is also a medication that I am ALLERGIC to. I could feel my lips and fingers starting to tingle. I knew it was only a matter of time before the swelling would begin. I run in and tell my boss that I need to go get a shot or something because I was about to turn into a balloon. He says fine and I head out. Well, did you know you can't get anything done in the medical world on a Friday? Apparently, no doctor works on Friday's. So I get a hold of the nurse at the neurologists office, and she tells me to go home and take Benedryl. If it gets worse, then go to the ER. So, I go to Walgreens and get Benedryl. By the time I leave Walgreens, my eyes are starting to swell, so I have to get home quick while I can still see. My lips are large by this point. I get home, take the Benedryl, and realize that I had a missed call from my oncologists office. I call them back and my B-12 level is low. So, that means, I now get to go to their office every week for the next 2 months and get B-12 shots. Really? I can't take much more. The Benedryl knocked me out for the entire day and night. At least I got some sleep :-).

Well, on top of all this, it is the final week in my Psychology class, I'm so confused with everything and I'm behind because of everything going on health wise. I'm still not sleeping very well, even with the sleeping pills. I am still having migraines and can't take the meds to get rid of them because I am allergic. And, I am working on a huge project at work with the deadline steadily approaching. Life goes on, and I'm so glad that I'm living, but I just need a better week. We have our family vacation planned and will be going on that soon. We are going to Disney World- the trip we were supposed to take last year. I can't wait! It will be the vacation that I need from everything else right now.

Please pray for me in every way possible. I need your prayers physically, mentally, and emotionally. Please pray for my family as they get to live with me and my craziness right now. Thank you for everything and I'll keep you updated on my tests!


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Crop out Cancer Scrapbook Retreat

The Lymphoblasters (our team) and another team here in Tyler are hosting a scrapbook retreat August 28-30 to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Light the Night walk. It is going to be a great weekend full of fun and scrapbooking! If you are an avid scrapbooker, or even a beginner, this retreat will be a great time to come and meet new people, learn new techniques, and have a weekend doing something you love! All meals and accommodations are included in your TAX DEDUCTIBLE donation of $150. Everyone that comes will get a goodie bag and t-shirt and will be entered in the drawing for 15 door prizes. We will also be having a silent auction so don't forget your checkbook! If you want more information, let me know and I will get a registration pack to you right away!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Pain in my Head

Well, I went to the Neurologist last Monday. I have had headaches every day for about 2 months. Nothing would make them go away! Well, I went to the Neurologist and I was "OFFICIALLY" diagnosed with Migraines (DUH!). I say that I was "officially" diagnosed because when I was in the hospital getting chemo, I had these same headaches. Well, the pain management doctor about jumped down my throat when I said I had "migraine-like" headaches. Anyways, I now have been diagnosed, so I can say that. I was very impressed with the Neurologist. She spent 1 1/2 hours with me personally. Not many doctors do that. Anyways, she explained what a migraine was and how it worked. She thinks they are being caused by my insomnia. I mean, not sleeping for a little over a year, that couldn't have any effects...could it?!?! Well, she put me back on sleeping pills. She also gave me a pill to help with the "paralyzing" of my legs in the night. She thinks I move my legs in the night and that this is a type of sleep apnea. This is part of what is causing me to not sleep. So, I'll begin those tomorrow night with the sleep pills. After a month or so, if this works, I'll start slowly weaning off the sleeping pills. She also gave me several samples of some other meds to help with the actual pain. It isn't a "pain" pill, but it's supposed to help. Anyways, I'm trying those to find which one works for me. It's trial and error. Well, needless to say, I've been sleeping some this week and actually went a couple of days without a headache. Let's hope this is the answer. She doesn't feel that I need a sleep study yet. Please pray that this solves the headaches. They are miserable!

I had to get copies of my MRI's and CT's for my appointment, so here's some pics of my head. I really do have a brain...LOL!

My skull

My brain with contrast

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Happy Fourth of July!

Wow, what a difference a year makes! Last year, the fourth of July was not something to celebrate. I spent the entire time sick and sleeping until I ended up in the ER in Monroe at a not so nice hospital. Then, once I was released, I spent one night out and then traveled back home to find myself in the ER at ETMC and staying in the hospital for a week or so. This was just the beginning of my trip to ICU. Needless to say, this year, we CELEBRATED!!! We stuck with our family tradition and went back to my Aunt and Uncle's lakehouse. It had been close to two years since I have been in the water (lake or pool), so I spent about 75% of my time in the water either swimming, floating, on the jet ski or in the boat. The kids had a blast tubing and swimming and playing with all their cousins. I love the 4th of July, because not only does it signify our freedom, it is the one time of the year that my entire family gets together (my side). We absolutely love it. This year was also special because it was my uncle's 70th birthday- HAPPY BIRTHDAY UNCLE BOBBY!!!

I hope you and your families all had a great holiday and you remember just how blessed we are to live in America! Here are a few pictures of our great weekend!

On July 3rd, we went to my sister-in-laws parents house for fireworks. The girls had a blast with the sparklers. This is (L to R) Emilee, Walker (my nephew), Kay (my sis-in-law), and Natalie

More Sparkler Fun!

Fireworks on the lake! We went out in 3 boats and watched the fireworks! It was beautiful!~

Natalie- yes, she got a little sun, but I PROMISE she wore LOTS of sunscreen! :-)

Emilee- being silly and showing off her braces

My Nephew Wyatt and Sis-in-law Kay. Wyatt was calling for birdies- so cute!

Happy Birthday Uncle Bobby! (Poppa to his grandkids)- so glad I could share this birthday with him!

L to R: Wyatt, Natalie, Emilee, and Walker in their 4th of July outfits- I have to say, these are 4 of the cutest kids I've ever seen (not that I'm biased in any way!)