Saturday, May 31, 2008

Our God is an AWESOME God!

We got GREAT news from the doctor yesterday. I went in for my normal check up and to see if my platelet count was either at 100 or close to it so I could begin chemo on Monday. Well, when the doctor came in, she said she had to look at my results several times, check the name on them and make sure they were from that day before she could believe it. My white blood count (WBC) went from 1.2 on Tuesday to 8.7 on Friday. That is in normal range! When I went to MD Anderson, my WBC was 2.4, so this was a HUGE jump. Also, I know you have been praying for my platelets. On Tuesday, they were at 65. On Friday, they were at 256!!! My doctor looked at me and said it was unbelieveable. My response to her was "prayer works."

I am so thankful to each of you who prayed for my counts to go up. God is the Great Physician and He is so awesome. I could not make it through all of this without Him.

I will be entering the hospital on Monday morning for my next round. I believe this round is only 3 days, but it is supposed to make me dizzy and unsteady on my feet. I will try my best to update, but we will just have to see how the chemo makes me feel. If I can't, then Rob will be updating.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I SO hope people can somehow grasp just how miraculous this really is! I deal with these "counts" every day and I have NEVER seen such a turnaround in such a short amount of time. I am awed, amazed and humbled. Prayer DOES work. Love you guys. Let me know if you need anything.