Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Dehydration and Blood Transfusions

This is Rob once again. Vanessa has been unable to update the blog due to her current health. I am going to post once again for those that dont get my almost daily email updates. I will post what I sent out on email this evening

Wow!! What a day it was. Vanessa went in this morning to have her lumbar puncture done. While she was there, she was admitted into the hospital. She was admitted for dehydration, her red blood count was .8, but the platelets were good enough to perform the spinal tap. She got checked into her room and was given her spinal puncture. Around 3pm she was given her first pint of blood. The blood that was given to her had to be treated with radiation prior to her receiving it. She is currently taking her 2nd bag. Let's hope that is all she needs. We do not know when she will be going home, but we are anticipating tomorrow sometime.

Our Sunday School teacher visited Vanessa this afternoon. They had a great visitation time. She also made dinner for the kids, which I understand was awesome. I can;t wait to get home and try it. I have been between the hospital and all over East Texas today. I want to thank Angie for the meal she made for us and it was very much appreciated by all. We will miss you teaching our class.

Vanessa is currently sitting up in her bed. That is huge progress from when we brought her home. Since Friday night, she never really got out of bed nor sat up. She was so weak, nauseous and in extreme pain from her headache. She is talking to our kids and laughing with them. What a great sight to see. Continue praying. We know our God is great. We are trusting in him and his healing hands. We know it is in his time. However, With God, We Will Beat This!

Hopefully Vanessa will be posting these blogs real soon. Her blogs are mor einteresting and humorous. Take care and God Bless.


Anonymous said...

i cant wait to see you tomorrow!!!

Anonymous said...

Vanessa - thanks to Rob for keeping us all up to date....sounds like you made some progress and are feeling well enough to sit up and visit with your children.....I know they enjoyed that!!
Hang in there Vanessa - praying for you right now.......

Unknown said...

Vanessa-sooooo glad that you are feeling better. We continue to pray for you.