Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Stuck in these four walls...

Well, here I am stuck in these four little walls. They had a suite open up, but to move me, it would cost us a minimum of $1000 to move me down there even though my insurance will pay for that room. We opted to be claustrophobic for the week.

Yesterday was a great day considering I am in the hospital getting chemo. It started off with my brother and sister-in-law coming to visit and then the visitors kept piling in. Each one of you lifted my spirits more than you could possibly know! It was really surprising how many people came by because we haven't told anyone other than family what room I was in since I was supposed to be moving, so you know I was surprised to see Angie (my former Sunday School teacher) pop through the door. She is so sweet. I also had my friend Julie and one of the attorney's I work for, Jill come by. We had great conversations. Even mom commented on how my entire spirit changed, so if you are in the neighborhood and want to stop by, please email, call or text me or Rob and we'll let you know what room I'm in. If you aren't in the neighborhood, email and texting me are also spirit boosters.

While in town, my brother and sister-in-law went to the blood center to give blood in my name. It was so sweet of them! We have had several people ask about giving blood in my name, so if you would like to, you can give in the Dallas area, Tyler area and Shreveport Bossier for sure. Please just email us at wewillbeatthis@gmail.com and we will send you the personal info you need on me to give. If you aren't in any of these areas, just contact your local blood center and find out what info you need and we will be glad to do that for you. Please make sure they know you are just making a donation in my name and not a direct donation into my account. There is too much testing that has to be done and we would have to have direct orders for that from the Doctor. If you don't feel like giving in my name, I would just like to encourage you to give. All the blood banks are low and you never know who's life you are going to save. Rob got a call the other day that his pint he gave went to save a 5 year old boy's life who had been in a go-kart accident and had severed his liver. You just never know who needs a little help.

My beautiful sister-in-law, Kay

My awesome big brother (they had to stick him 3 times!!) Love ya bunches!!!

Both of them filling up the bags...

Giving blood is so important, especially since I have learned about so much more about cancer and chemo. When you hear about someone going through chemo, you don't hear much about the blood transfusions and platelet transfusions very often. I thought this would be a rare thing, but in my case, the week after my first round, I had to have a blood transfusion and had 2 pints put in, the second round, I had a platelet transfusion, and as I type this, I am having another blood transfusion of 3 pints of blood. They did one bag, had to start my 3rd round of chemo, and then I will get my other 2 pints. Thank you so much to each of you who have already donated in my name!!!

I didn't sleep too well last night. It seemed every time I would doze off my IV pump would go off or a helicopter would take off. Hopefully tonight will be better. It couldn't be as bad as my mom though. Since we are in this lovely little room all they have to sleep in was one of those fold out chairs instead of the fold out couch like in the suites. She made it through the night, but she MIGHT end up in one of the girl's beds tonight and I wouldn't blame her one bit!! I also had another lumbar puncture this morning. I had a headache around 3:30am this morning and so they gave me some hydrocodone to tame it before the LP. They also gave me Phenergran to help with it along with my normal meds. So needless to say, I slept for quite awhile after the procedure. The spinal fluid came out clear...good news!! After that, she went ahead and stitched back in my PICC line. It wasn't too bad, just the numbing shots and a few seconds later it was done.

That's really all that is happening here in my four walls. Thank you again to each of you who have been praying for me and supporting me and my family. I want to thank those of you who lifted up our friend James. As of right now, everything in benign which is wonderful. They will recheck him again in 90 days. BUT, I have another prayer request. My good friend's grandmother had brain surgery a couple of weeks ago and has been in ICU and is now in rehab. There are only 7 documented cases of her brain condition. Please pray for her. I just call her grandma, so if you pray for grandma, God will know who you are talking about. Also, pray for her family as they help take care of her and make decisions in her care. Her husband is also concerned, so pray for him too. Also, our sweet friend Angie is having a procedure tomorrow for her 3 leaking disc in her back. She is a lot of pain and needs all our prayers. This is a new procedure and she will need all the prayers she can get. And last but not least, no news on the bone marrow biopsy. Keep praying!! Each and everyone of you are awesome! We love you!


Monday, June 23, 2008

Bring on the Suite!

Well, I am back in the hospital. We had to get up very early this morning and get the kids sent off to church camp, so we made it to the hospital bright and early. Rob and I are both dragging, but it was worth it to see the girls excited about camp. Well, we got here a little after 7 am and they didn't have a room ready for me. When they finally had one open up, it isn't a suite like I've had for all my treatments and transfusions. They don't have any available today. I don't want to sound spoiled, but I AM!! I think the nurse said it properly when she said coming from down there to a regular room is a shock to the system. I think if they were to paint the room bright colors and maybe let some kids put their handprints on the wall or something cute like that, it would lift the spirits of the people who have to stay here. Who says a hospital HAS TO BE white?? BUT....if a suite opens up, I am supposed to be moving. Let's hope it does soon.

So now for the treatment. This one will be just like my first treatment. Please pray that it goes smoothly and I don't get as sick as I did the first go round. They have taken my blood to the lab to make sure I am good to go, hooked me up to the IV pump with fluids and brought me 21 pills to take. Yes, you read that right...21!! By the end of the day, I think it comes to around 35 pills I have to take. Unfortunately, both of the stitches holding my PICC line in popped and so they can't start the chemo until they get the okay from the doctor or the orders to restitch it. So...we wait.

On Thursday, I had another bone marrow biopsy. They totally knocked me out for that one. It was a different type "knock out" than for surgery or something. I was only out for about 30 minutes (if that) and I didn't feel all groggy afterwards. I just felt like I had taken a nap. I thought surely this was the way to go. I later found out that it wasn't a walk in the park like I thought. The soreness was about 10 times worse than when they did the biopsy when I was awake. It hurt to roll over, sit up, stand up, walk, sit down, lay down...etc. I don't know why it was worse though. I don't know if the numbing medicine they put in when I am awake helps with the soreness or if they had to dig or go in multiple times when they knocked me out. The doctor was gone when I woke up so I haven't had a chance to ask her. I don't have the results yet, but hopefully in the next day or two I will.

Again, we cannot thank each of you enough for all your prayers and support. Every thought, prayer, e-mail and comment mean so much to us! We are still very excited to see what God has in store for us! For specific prayers right now, pray that I will get through this round smoothly, that next week won't be so bad so I can enjoy the 4th of July with my family, and that the girls have a great week at camp learning more about Jesus. PLEASE PLEASE also remember our friend James. He had his lymph node removed on Thursday and should be finding out the results of the biopsy this week. Please pray it is nothing!!


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Bone Marrow and Blood Counts

Well, I went to the doctor yesterday for a check-up. My blood counts shot up from last time. My white blood count went from 0.1 on Friday to 24 on Tuesday. That is actually about double normal amount, but considering everything, my doctor was very excited with this. My platelet count went from 18 to 118. This is good because I am on track to start chemo on Monday which means I can stay on schedule which is so important to me. My hemoglobin actually went down 2 points, but my doctor said that was okay.

Now for the bone marrow, it was time for them to do another bone marrow aspirate. I was so nervous. The first time they did one, I took a Xanax before we went, so I was nervous but not like I was yesterday. My doctor promised to HEAVILY medicate me when I got there so I didn't bother with the Xanax. Well, the nurse came in and had Ativan and Demerol, which is the same medication they give me for the lumbar punctures. I told him that the doctor promised me "HEAVILY" medication. He went and talked to her and came back with some phenegran. I was pretty loopy after that. Well, they started the procedure and it still hurt like crazy. They couldn't get any marrow to come out, so they had to try again and do another puncture. This was fun! Well, they still couldn't get any marrow out. Apparently, my bone marrow clotted when my white blood count went up. I'm not a "medical" person, so this may be wrong, but from what I understand, that could cause it. Well, they decided not to hurt me anymore, so tomorrow (Thursday), I go in at 7:00am and they will completely knock me out and do the procedure until they get some bone marrow. Please pray they get it pretty early in the procedure because it does leave me sore. Also, please pray that there is no problem with the anesthesia. I have never had any issues with it, but just in case.

Thank you all for all the emails we have received recently and for all the prayers. We appreciate each and everyone of you!


Monday, June 16, 2008

My Weak Week

Sorry I haven't updated this week, but it has been kind of tough for me. Not just physically, but emotionally as well. Like I said in my last blog, we were supposed to be at Disney World this week and obviously we didn't get to go. It did help to know that it stormed all week in Orlando. For the first part of the week, I was nauseated pretty much all day every day. It wasn't fun. It wasn't as bad as the last round of chemo, but it still gets on your nerves. The only time I felt okay was when I was laying in the bed, so that's how I spent most of the week. I would get up as much as I could, but after about 30 minutes, I would have to go lay down again. Even the medicine didn't help.

On Sunday, I was able to make it to Sunday School, but I was pretty tired after that. I came home and we ate dinner and then I took a short nap. My parents, Patsy, my brother, sister-in-law and nephews came in yesterday for Father's Day. It was really nice to see everyone and get to have a "normal" day. Today, I am just kind of in a daze. It is called chemo brain. I've been exhausted all day, but not sleepy.

Tomorrow morning at 9am, I go to the doctor where I am supposed to get another bone marrow aspirate. I know, so thrilling!! I just can't wait!! They are going to be checking to see how much my bone marrow has cleared. They did the last test through my blood, but they don't know for sure until they get bone marrow. My counts have to be up to do it, but I'm not sure what they have to be.

I'll let y'all know what the doctor says. Thanks for the prayers!!


Saturday, June 7, 2008

Hello Home...Good-bye Tastebuds

Well, I've been home for almost two days now and I guess it is going ok. These first four or five days are supposed to be my worst, so I guess in that sense, I am doing good. I don't feel great and sometimes, I don't even feel good, but I am making it through. Today has been kind of rough. We are supposed to be flying to Disney World today for our family vacation and instead, I'm bald, weak and just hoping to feel better. I know God has a reason for this, but it's times like this that I wish it was evident to me.

I also lost my taste buds this week. I've heard that everything will taste like metal or sawdust, but for me, that isn't the case. Everything tastes like it has a coating of Vaseline over it. It is absolutely disgusting. I can still tastes some hints of flavor in some things, but hamburgers and french fries are done! I've been able to eat some toast and crackers and then tonight an egg sandwich, but who knows how long it will be before that tastes bad to me too. Rob bought me some Ensure to help get my nutrients, but those things are bad to begin with, at least I'm trying.

I know this blog isn't upbeat, but I'm not upbeat right now. Remember, I want you to experience what I am going through. Thank you for your prayers. They are holding me up right now. For some specific prayers, please pray that I will get stronger instead of weaker these next few days and will stay that way through this round. Pray that I will keep some of my taste buds so I can get some nutrients. Pray for my sanity to get through this and for God to give me the strength to get through this.


Thursday, June 5, 2008

One more day...

Yesterday went pretty good. They started me on another chemo and I found out that this is the one that was supposed to make me feel unsteady and light headed. I've had two of my four rounds that I will have before I go home and so far so good. I will get another round here in about 2 hours and then my last round about 11:30 tonight. Each one is about 2 hours and so as long as everything stays on schedule (like my blood levels and my pH levels) I will get to go home in the morning!! I'm so excited. There is just nothing like being in your own bed...and of course I miss my crazy puppies! The girls came in to see me yesterday and so that helped brighten my day and last night my sister-in-law and my nephews stopped in. They were so cute. My 18 month old nephew, Wyatt, was amazed at the helicopters taking off and he liked to go down to the nutrition center and swipe the little orange juice cups. He was so cute. Walker, my 4 year old nephew was also amused with the helicopters and he just kind of ran around here and kept my spirits up. They were so cute. When they were getting ready to leave, Kay looked at Walker and told him to say "bye-bye Nessa" and instead, Wyatt said it. It was like medicine to my heart. It was so sweet.

Last night my stomach felt a little ugh, and I got really cold, but my temperature was never above normal. I finally just ended up going to bed and slept most of the night. At least as much as you can when you are in the hospital.

Thank you to each of you who have been praying specifically for me not to be unsteady or light-headed. Your prayers have definitely been answered. Please keep them up. The doctor told me this morning that this weekend and early next week should be my rough time again, so if you can add that to your list, please do so. All of you are great and have kept me fighting this fight. Thank you so much!!


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Lumbar Puncture and Lettuce

Well, it has been a good day- mostly. My EARLY morning started around 3am when I woke up with Acid Reflux. I ordered up some tums, raised the head of my bed and drifted in and out until 3:30 when they brought me my tums and came in to get some blood. After all that was said and done, I was pretty awake, but was still able to go back to sleep until about 6:30. The nurse came in with my sedative (Ativan) and pain killer (Demerol). I was kind of woozy for a few minutes. Dr. Lee came in around 7:15 and we got started on the lumbar puncture. It took her 3 different places to finally get into my spine. It was not fun, but once she got in, it only took about 10 minutes. My CSF was clear again...YEAH!! I then had to lay on my back for 4 hours again. I stayed about 4 hours and 20 minutes just to make sure, but that was as long as my body was going to let me stay there. I mean, they have 2 bags of fluid, 1 bag of chemo and 1 bag of fluid and Zofran (nausea medicine) pumping into me constantly. You wouldn't be able to lay there any longer either.

Right after that, they brought in lunch. I had specially ordered a ham and cheese sandwich. Since my counts are so high right now, I am not neutropenic for the time being so I was able to have lettuce, tomatoes and pickles on my sandwich. It was so good! I know it might only be for a little while, but I'm enjoying it! Last night with dinner, I was served a small salad. Granted, it was only lettuce and ranch dressing, but it was one of the best salads I have ever had (next to Olive Garden of course). It's amazing what you miss when you can't have it.

For the rest of the day, mom and I took a walk around the oncology floor and then we sat on the couch and watched TV. Once my bag of chemo was done around 5pm, they came in and had to get a blood sample from me. Again, they couldn't take it from my PICC line, so I had to get stuck. Yuck! But the good news was, I was going to be unhooked for a few minutes so I was able to take a shower...yipee! Again, the simple things...

Well, I still feel good. I haven't had the unsteadiness and light-headedness that they said I would, so that is all of your prayers. Thank you so much!


Monday, June 2, 2008

Round 2

Well, I am back in the hospital again. This time I am getting a different chemo so I am not sure how it is going to affect me. Right now they are pumping me full of fluids and nausea medicine. Before they can begin the chemo, my pH level has to be at 7 and it is at 6.7 right now, so they are trying to raise it. They will test me again in about 30 minutes. From what I understand, I should be done with my first medicine by tomorrow, and then they will give me another one over the next 22 hours. The second medicine is supposed to help with the side effects of the chemo. I will also be getting another lumbar puncture tomorrow morning where they will inject the chemo into my spine. I know, you are all jealous!!

My mom came in to stay in the hospital with me and she brought me a gift from one of her neighbors. It is a prayer quilt. There are sets of string sewn into the blanket, and when someone says a prayer for me, they tie a knot. It's just a visual reminder of people praying for me. It's really cool. Also, housekeeping just came in and she asked if she could say a prayer for me. It was really nice. Through this process, it is amazing how people have offered up prayers for me without even knowing me. It is so awesome!

Thank you to each of you for all of your prayers and support!