Friday, April 25, 2008

Our future Babies :-)

Well, today was a good day! We FINALLY met a doctor at MD Anderson who knew something!! I know that MD Anderson is supposed to be top notch best hospital for cancer, but they have yet to show that to us. We got a call this morning from the gynecologist (yes, the doctor herself) and she squeezed us in. We got there about 11:00 and we WAITED (I know, you're shocked!)!! They took me in and took my vitals, but NO BLOOD, and then we went back to the WAITING ROOM. After a little while, they called me back and I met with a nurse practitioner. She wasn't too sure of much and we were getting a little nervous that yet again we would be the victims of the non-informational non-knowing MD Anderson doctors. She left and went to get Dr. Keeler. She was great. She came in and discussed 4 different options with us about preserving fertility. The options were:

1. Freezing my ovary- which has a time constraint and could push chemo back and cause the cancer to spread further

2. Freezing eggs- basically same thing, but there is also a chance that the eggs will not live through the unfreezing process.

3. Freezing embryos- more of a success rate, but if we did not use all the embryos, they would discard of them which was not even an option for us because we are not going to allow anyone to discard of our babies.

4. A shot that will send me into early menopause.

We chose the fourth option. It is one shot every 3 months and basically sends a message to my brain that says I'm in menopause so it doesn't need to release eggs. It also keeps the ovary from soaking up the chemo. They have had success with this and it just seemed the best way to go. I will continue taking birth control pills, just a higher dose, to counter-act the side effects of the menopause. We will just trust God that this was the choice He wanted for us and He will protect my ovaries so we can have babies (LOTS & LOTS OF BABIES!!).

We will be heading back to Tyler next week and I will have the rest of my tests done. I should be starting chemo in a week and a half or two weeks. We are ready to get the show on the road. We are trusting God through all this and He has something great to come out of this. Thank you all for your prayers and support! With God, WE WILL BEAT THIS!!


doegedoings said...

I am crying as I type this. Babies for you....Praise God....He is so good! (PS-did they steal my idea about freezing the ovary ?)
Have a great anniversary weekend!!

Leigh said...


Beth told me about your blog, so I'm here...and praying God will keep you strong and heal you through doctors, medicine or his own miracle.
We have a blog too; If you have free time, start at the botton in March and read our spring break road trip story. You will not believe how my kids have grown!

We will pray for you EVERY day! You WILL beat this!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a plan! God shuts the door but leaves the window open sometimes. Love to the family!
