Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Milk, It does a body good!

Well, the bone marrow test is over. It really wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, but it wasn't a walk in the park. I told them I didn't want to see the needle and they kept it hidden from me. Rob told me it had a handle on it so they could really push it in. Well, after they numbed it up, they told me they were ready to go in. I felt a lot of pressure and just a little bit of pain. They kept saying it wasn't deep enough. To me it felt like it was going to come out the other side, but apparently they just couldn't get through my bone. Rob said the doctor stopped three times to take a break and her face was red. I guess I should have warned them that I drink a lot of milk, and I mean A LOT! Well, they finally got through and were able to fill up 6 test tubes and 12 slides of bone marrow. I'm still sore and I can't walk real fast, but I'm ok. I slept most of the afternoon and plan on going back to work tomorrow.

Test updates:
On Friday, starting at 8:00 am, I will have a CAT scan, PET scan and an ECHO. On Saturday, I will have a MRI. It looks right now that they are not going to have to do the spinal puncture which is an answer to prayer, but we are not in the clear yet. Please keep praying they don't have to do one and that all these tests come back clear. We should know something about the bone marrow test by tomorrow. We still don't know when we will be going to MD Anderson. Last we heard, my report was going before the board to see if I would be accepted. If I am not, we will go to Dallas to have my eggs harvested.

Thank you for all your prayers and encouragement. We really appreciate all of it! With God, WE WILL BEAT THIS!!


Anonymous said...


martha alexander said...

Hang in there! And, by the way, I love the toes!!!

Beth said...

Way to go B-Nessa!

doegedoings said...

You are an inspiration!!

Tanya_Tingle said...

Vanessa - hang in there girl. I am praying for you every day!

Love the toes - I noticed them first thing Sunday morning - they say a LOT about your positive attitude!

Anonymous said...

I'm not good at checking my e-mails! But I am thinking& praying for you & your family. If there's anything we can to do help, please let us know!!!! If you have any questions or just want to talk, call me. (903) 839-8931 or (903) 571-8511 (cell).
Love Julie & Kevin
PS I want green toes too!!