Friday, April 18, 2008

The First Oncology Visit

Today was our appointment with the oncologist. We thought we were going in to discuss treatment and what exactly T-ALL meant. Apparently, it is a very aggressive type of lymphoma, but there is a 90% success rate in curing it. Of that 90%, 70% do not relapse.

Ok, let me start from the beginning. We get to the oncologist and of course, there is the novel of paperwork to fill out and the good ole' co-pay. So, we sit and I begin to fill out the paperwork of my life history. Shortly, the lab nurse came in and got us. Again, we just thought we were there to discuss things...but, of course they had to torture me some. They wanted BLOOD!! They wanted to fill up SIX of those little tubes, but they didn't think they could do it without my vein giving in. Well, for most people to give blood, it is unpleasant, but triple that for me. If a normal persons veins are a regular straw, then mine are the little coffee stirer straws. It is very hard for them to find my veins. Anyways, after sticking twice, they found one. They were able to fill up 4 1/2 of the tubes. Hopefully, that's enough to find out what they need to find out.

Well, onto the visit with the doctor. First the nurse took my vitals and I was running a slight fever, but I think that could just be from not sleeping well. Everything else was good. My blood pressure was a little high, but the nurse agreed that it might have something to do with the fact that I was told yesterday that I have cancer...that could push it up a little..don't ya think?? Anyways, the doctor came in and she felt around. I have several lymph nodes that are swollen in my neck, but the good news is that it seems to be only in my neck. She didn't feel any others swollen. She then started to describe the treatment....UGH!! I will start very soon (probably next week) with some testing so they can figure out what stage I am in and also if there is anything in my bone marrow. I will have a CT scan, PET scan, bone marrow test, spinal puncture (doesn't that sound fun!?!?) and others. I will also be going to MD Anderson or to Dallas to have some of my eggs frozen so that when we beat this mess, Rob and I will be able to have more kids. If MD Anderson can get me in next week, they will be doing all the testing.

Treatment: I will be undergoing a very aggressive regiment of chemo. I will be in the hospital for a week receiving chemo, out for 2 weeks and then back in for a week...etc. for 6 months. Then, I will have 2 months recovery after those 6 months. It will be a long hard battle, but I have God on my side and He will get me through. Unfortunately, I will not be able to work for a minimum of 8 months. I will lose my hair which won't be fun, but maybe I can have a very cute wig!! :-)

Please pray specifically for the following things: God to do a miracle and the cancer be gone before they even start chemo. Strength for us and our families. The bone marrow test to come back great. Finances (since I will be out of work for 8 months). The feeling to come back on the left side of my face (I know it's small, but it's driving me CRAZY!!).

Thank you to each of you who are praying for us. We believe that God will get us through this. Even though this is something we never thought we would have to face (and we hope none of you ever will), we are determined to beat it. It is tough and it will continue to get tough as time goes on, but with God, WE WILL BEAT THIS!!!!


Anonymous said...

You are in my prayers.. I have added you to the prayer list at my church. Stay strong.

Stephanie Lavery Johnson

Amanda said...

Hey Vanessa,
You don't know me but I am a friend of Beth's. You are a dear friend to her and she's a dear friend to me so...I'm committing to pray for you and your family. - Amanda Vickers

Anonymous said...

I have got so many people praying for you and your family. God has definitely got His ear turned towards you.

On the funny side of never really liked your curly hair growing up anyways...Maybe you'll, have straight hair when it comes back! :o) ha