Friday, July 25, 2008

Update on Vanessa

Here is a copy of the email I sent out to everyone our our email list. Vanessa has been unable to update her blog because it hurts her hands. The neuropathy has caused her to loose feeling in her fingertips and she states when she tries to type it hurts. Hopefully she will be able to update soon. They will be stopping one of the chemicals that causes the neuropathy on the next treatment period

Vanessa had a great weekend. Unfortunately, this week she has began to feel bad again. Wednesday, she began to run a low grade fever. We were able to contain it and get it down to normal. Today (Thursday), her fever came back and this time it rose to 100.9. My mom worked hard at trying to get the fever to go down. Vanessa ate pop ice's, drank lots of water and sprite. The temperature would not go down past 100.1

We called her doctor and her doctor informed us to get her to her office immediately. We arrived and of course they took blood for labs. Dr. Lee observed Vanessa and immediately admitted her to the hospital. Vanessa is currently at the ETMC in Tyler in room 6624. She is expected to remain in the hospital until Saturday, if not Sunday. She is currently receiving IV fluid as well as anti-biotics intravenously.

Later tonight, she will be receiving 2 pints of whole blood and 1 pint of platelets. Please pray for her battle with this infection, whatever it may be. Her spirits are still doing pretty good, and she feels every prayer each of you are saying for her. We thank you as always and appreciate you all. God Bless!!

With God, We Will Beat This!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you girl, so sorry this is so painful. I will call u soon and check on you!!