Tuesday, July 8, 2008

ETMC in Tyler

Here is a picture of Emilee, Natalie and Walker (our nephew). After the 4th of July celebration/counsins party at the lake house mom and dad drove them up to Monroe to see Vanessa. They had to wear masks and gloves prior to entering Vanessa's room. Here is a picture that was taken after they came out of the room. You can tell Walker loves having his picture taken.

Another update from gold ole me because Vanessa is currently unable to do it. We arrived back in Tyler yesterday evening and went straight to the ER. There were about 50 people waiting to be seen. I informed the nurse that she was neutropenic and they took her straight back and started treating her. She was given some demoral and then shorlty taken away to get a CT Scan. About an hour or so later she was admitted in to the hospital for over night observation. We made our trip up to the 6th floor and we got to see all of our wonderful nursing staff. What a relief it was to see them after our experience in Monroe.

This morning, Vanessa had to eat some radioactive Frosted Flakes. They then put her into some type of machine and minitored her stomach for about an hour to see how it reacted to food. During the day, she remained in an intense amount of pain. They continued giving her demoral and phenegran. We are still awaiting all of the results from the tests and hopefully we will have them all in the morning. We need to find out why she is in so much pain in her abdominal area and back.

We believe and trust that God has his hand over her and guiding Dr. Lee and the treatment. Thank you all again for your thoughts, prayers, comments, gifts, food and so many other things that have definately not gone unnoticed. We love you all and God Bless

With God, We Will Beat This


Anonymous said...

Hey guys! I LOVE that picture! Very typical of the three of them- Natalie and Emilee trying to help Walker do what he's supposed to (like look at the camera and SMILE) and Walker wanting to have no part of it!
Nat and Em- thank you for being such wonderful cousins to Walker and Wyatt... and also wonderful nieces! :-)
Vanessa, we're praying for you that the pain will go away and the doctors will find the cause and know how to treat it.
Rob, we're praying you can get some rest between trying to work and take care of Vanessa and the girls. We love you all very much and will see you either tomorrow or Thursday!

Anonymous said...

Hey Vanessa! Wanted to say I am thinking of you and praying that you are feeling better today. So sorry I did not get to see you while I passed through Monroe, I was definitely wanting to, just did not want to take a chance with getting you sick cause Jave had fever a few days before and was breaking out with a rash for several days. I can't wait to see you hopefully soon. Lots of hugs to you!! Love ya' so much......Pam

Crystal said...

I love the picture. Natalie and Emliee sure have grown. I am praying for you.
