Saturday, July 26, 2008

ICU Update (email)

We were able to go see Vanessa at the last visitation at 9pm tonight. Her mom, dad my mom and myself went in there. Vanessa's temperature had gotten up to 103. They have so far gotten it down to 102.9. They were able to get her platelets up above 50. They were able to perform the gastropothy (sp?). They said that the scoping went well and were able to gain the cultures needed. They scope her lungs, stomach, liver and kidneys. We hope to hear results within 24 hours as they have to send some off to an outside agency to test. They are going to remove her PICC line in her right arm and cut the ends of it off and send it to the lab for examination. This is one possibility that could be causing her infection. They are going to reinsert the PICC line sometime tomorrow morning (Sunday) in her left arm. She is still receiving morphine through her IV for pain. She has also received a catheter. She is expected to remain in ICU for a minimum of 72 hours. The next 48 hours are still very critical. We need to get her temperature waaayyyyy down. She is still unable to fight the infection because she does not have any white blood cells to fight with. They are continuously giving her antibiotics through her IV as well. As you can see there are many things going on right now. I want to express a huge thank you to my mom, dad, my other mom and dad (Vanessa's parents), Jimmy, and Darlene Feazel, Ashley Stewart, Michele Morgan, Shannon and Betsy, for coming and spending time with myself and Vanessa, as well as the awesome prayers that we had inside the ICU waiting room. I also want to thank literally the hundreds of you who have called or email your wishes and prayers for Vanessa. You guys are awesome, wonderful friends. What a awesome family of God we all belong too.

I had my one hour moment at home this afternoon where I had to cry, sink my head and my pillow and do more crying out to God for healing upon Vanessa. I am doing ok right now emotionally, but still, as we all are, concerned, deeply concerned. However, Vanessa and I are still keeping our strong faith in the Lord and we know that he is in control. We are still believing that With God, We Will Beat This!!

p.s Sunday morning, I am going to be going to our Sunday school class at Green Acres Baptist Church here in Tyler. If you are able to, around 945-10:00 I am going to have our Sunday school class lay hands on me and reach out and pray for Vanessa. If you can join me at this time and say a silent pray or wherever your at, stop and pray for her at that time, I would greatly appreciate it. We love you guys and God Bless.

p.s.s. I will send another update after our first visitation at 10:45 tomorrow morning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My heart is with you Rob as family and my friend. Anytime you need me I am here. My heart is hurting because you are. I love you, Vanessa, and the girls very much. It's ok to be scared and it's ok to lean on your friends and family. David is here as well. Please tell Vanessa that I love her so much, and give her a hug for me. Y'all have so many people praying.