Sunday, July 6, 2008

St Francis Med Ctr in Monroe, La

Just a quick update for those that do not receive our emails. This weekend we attempted to go have a great relaxing time at the lake house with Vanessa's family. On Friday, Vanessa had a really tough time and couldn't get out of bed for a long period of time. She was able to watch fireworks for about 10-15 minutes and we had to take her back to the house.

When she woke up on Saturday, she was feeling worst. I took her to the closest hospital and we ended up here at St Francis in Monroe, La. The ER staff was wonderful. They quickly got to her and started treating her immediately. They informed us that she would need to stay in the hospital overnight for observation, fluids and antibiotics. We were then sent to the 6th floor. Things up on that floor weren't so inviting. We had numerous issues with the staff and their procedures. We spoke to the hospital reps and informed them of our concerns. She agreed that we had legit concerns and they needed to be addressed. We filed a formal grievance with the hospital. Since then, the staff has been immaculate. They have done things according to their policy and protocol.

This morning, Vanessa woke up with some enduring pain in her back, sides and stomach. The GI doctor came in and visited her and told us he would not be able to scope her due to her blood counts being so low. He stated he may be able to do a CT scan but it wouldn't take place until tomorrow (Monday). Meanwhile, we are currently waiting for a platelet transfusion because her platelets dropped from a 18 to an 8 overnight. So here we are sitting and waiting, and lots of praying.

It sounds like the kids had a blast tubing, jet skiing and playing in the lake the last 2 days. I want to thank Aunt Flora and Uncle Bobby for providing the kids a wonderful weekend and the hard work they put into the planning of all of the events they did with them. We love you guys. I also want to thank Vanessa's mom and dad for keeping the kids at the lake house with them while we took Vanessa to the hospital. Doug (dad) thanks for the jet ski tubing rides you took the kids on. I hope they didn't wear you out.

Please continue praying for Vanessa. She will make it through this and

With God, We Will Beat This!!


Anonymous said...

Vanessa, I HATE that you are having such a crummy time, and especially that you are not at your regular hospital. You are constantly on my mind. I know this situation is less than ideal, but you will overcome! Remember, the current situation is one step further to beating this. Love you.

Anonymous said...

You do not know me, but you have been kind enough to put my son's (sullivan Farrar)website link on your site! I appreciate you praying and letting everyone know about his fight with leukemia!! I will begin praying for you and your fight with cancer! I will pray that God will give you and your family strength to endure this horrible monster called cancer!! You are right when you say,"Through God we can be this"!! Lot's of love and prayers, The Farrars

Tim and Rebecca said...

Sounds like we both had great week-end girl. I had my birthday party Sat. I spent all but 15min of it in the bathroom. I had a tooth ache and meds Rebecca gave me, kept me on the thrown for hours. On top of that, I went to the dentist when I got back to New Orleans and ended up getting two teeth pulled.
Great week-end, huh? But you know what? That's ok. It's just one week-end. We have many week-ends to look forward too.

Flora said...

Uncle Bobby and I are sorry you
missed most of the Cousin Party
at the lakehouse...However, we will
do it up right next year, and you
can do it all....we really enjoyed
the kids and all the activities too.
We are so proud of you and Rob and
how you are handling this situation. You have blessed God, and He will surely bless you very much