Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The OTHER "R" Word

Well, this is the "R" word we hoped we would NEVER hear...relapse. As you know, I have had a sore throat for about a month, so my doctor sent me to have a PET scan to see if there was anything behind my tonsils that we should be concerned with. Well, as far as we can tell, the tonsils are not a big worry, but we did find a mass under my sternum bone. From what she says, this is a very common place for recurrence for lymphoma. Unfortunately, where it is, it can not be biopsied unless they split my sternum bone. The radiologist won't touch it because of the blood vessels surrounding it, the surgeon doesn't want to cut my chest wide open and split the bone, and the pulmonologist can not scope it due to its place. Therefore, we aren't 100% sure that it is lymphoma, but she's pretty sure just because it is common. Unfortunately, in Tyler, there isn't much they can do, so we will be going to the Baylor cancer institute in Dallas for more testing to see if they can figure out a way to biopsy it, if a biopsy is really even needed, idea for treatment (which she said would be more intensive than Hyper CVAD), and possibly a bone marrow transplant. If I do have to get a bone marrow transplant, I will have to be in isolation anywhere from 30-100 days. UGH!!! Please pray that they can find a way to biopsy the mass without cutting through the bone, and that it is NOT cancer. We are still very much in shock. This was not a day we really and truly thought would come. God healed me once, He can do it again! I am not giving up this fight and I have God and my prayer warriors by my side. I'll keep y'all updated!




Anonymous said...

Heck yes we're gonna beat this again! The circumstances may have changed but God hasn't. He is still in control. I love you!

Candace Smartt said...

stay calm untill you know all your information...let the Lord guide you to the best treatment and rest in His hands. He is your Physician. He will not leave you.Praying that it isn't cancer and you can go on with you life.

Tracy said...

It's crazy that this is happening... just crazy and surprising and so very wrong in every way. Thank goodness God is not surprised by this. HE WILL help you beat this again!!!

mizlesa said...

I just recently talked with a man at the blood center whose son had just beat his lymphoma for the second time.I'm still praying for you and your family and the medical professionals caring for you. I am sorry you are sick again but I am hopeful and trusting you will be well again, too.

"You know my sitting down and my rising up; you understand my thought afar off." Psalm 139:2

Stuart said...

The peace of Christ be with you... You are NEVER alone. Hang in... one day (one hour, rather!) at a time!

Beth said...

You got this!! As you know God is in control and we are all here to see you through the next stage, whatever that may be! I must say, I just thought I hated the "c" word, but the "r" word, takes the cake! My heart is breaking, but YOU WILL BEAT THIS!! Praying for you every step of the way!!