Saturday, August 1, 2009

My Sore Throat

So this whole sha-bang started with my sore throat. On Thursday, I went to the ENT. I described to him where my throat hurt and how it felt. He told me he had talked to my oncologist and had seen my PET scan. Great! So, he says we are going to scope my throat. Ok, do what you've got to do... So, they put the numbing stuff in my nose to swallow to the back of my throat, then after a few minutes, they stick the loooooong camera thing in my nose and down my throat. Well, that was a new experience! I'm checking off new experiences left and right! Anyways, they found a small growth on the right side of my voice box. He said normally, he wouldn't be too concerned because it is so small, but considering my history, he wanted to biopsy it. This would mean being knocked out for a surgery. So, he stepped out to call Dr. Lee so they could discuss what they wanted to do. I called Rob at this point just to let him know what was going on. His response was... "so, you probably won't be able to talk for a few days? Finally, some peace and quiet around the house." HAHAHA! For those of you who don't know Rob, I wouldn't have expected any other response!

So the ENT comes back in and says that since there is already a possibility of surgery when I go to Dallas, they are going to wait and let them do the biopsy so I will only have to undergo anesthesia once instead of twice. If Dallas chooses to not do surgery, then he will do the biopsy when I get back. In the meantime, I am to pay attention to the soreness and if it gets any worse and it gets harder to breathe, then I will call him. So, that's it in a nutshell. We are keeping our attitudes positive, our hopes high, and our hearts lifted to Heaven.

Our specific prayer right now- that they will do the tests, there will be nothing there, the doctor's will be confused, and I can tell them how we serve a healing God and I have no confusion as to what happened! Please pray this with us, and remember...


1 comment:

mizlesa said...

Vanessa, I so love reading your blogging. It's almost just like talking to you. I love the peaceful new color on your blog background. Peacefulness is what I'm praying for you as you move ahead in your journey with faith and confidence in God.

Love ya,
Miz Lesa