Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Pain in my Head

Well, I went to the Neurologist last Monday. I have had headaches every day for about 2 months. Nothing would make them go away! Well, I went to the Neurologist and I was "OFFICIALLY" diagnosed with Migraines (DUH!). I say that I was "officially" diagnosed because when I was in the hospital getting chemo, I had these same headaches. Well, the pain management doctor about jumped down my throat when I said I had "migraine-like" headaches. Anyways, I now have been diagnosed, so I can say that. I was very impressed with the Neurologist. She spent 1 1/2 hours with me personally. Not many doctors do that. Anyways, she explained what a migraine was and how it worked. She thinks they are being caused by my insomnia. I mean, not sleeping for a little over a year, that couldn't have any effects...could it?!?! Well, she put me back on sleeping pills. She also gave me a pill to help with the "paralyzing" of my legs in the night. She thinks I move my legs in the night and that this is a type of sleep apnea. This is part of what is causing me to not sleep. So, I'll begin those tomorrow night with the sleep pills. After a month or so, if this works, I'll start slowly weaning off the sleeping pills. She also gave me several samples of some other meds to help with the actual pain. It isn't a "pain" pill, but it's supposed to help. Anyways, I'm trying those to find which one works for me. It's trial and error. Well, needless to say, I've been sleeping some this week and actually went a couple of days without a headache. Let's hope this is the answer. She doesn't feel that I need a sleep study yet. Please pray that this solves the headaches. They are miserable!

I had to get copies of my MRI's and CT's for my appointment, so here's some pics of my head. I really do have a brain...LOL!

My skull

My brain with contrast

1 comment:

Tracy said...

I hope you are finally able to get some relief from your headaches! I can't imagine not sleeping well for an entire year, bless your heart, that's just awful! Your Dr. sounds like a good one!