Monday, June 23, 2008

Bring on the Suite!

Well, I am back in the hospital. We had to get up very early this morning and get the kids sent off to church camp, so we made it to the hospital bright and early. Rob and I are both dragging, but it was worth it to see the girls excited about camp. Well, we got here a little after 7 am and they didn't have a room ready for me. When they finally had one open up, it isn't a suite like I've had for all my treatments and transfusions. They don't have any available today. I don't want to sound spoiled, but I AM!! I think the nurse said it properly when she said coming from down there to a regular room is a shock to the system. I think if they were to paint the room bright colors and maybe let some kids put their handprints on the wall or something cute like that, it would lift the spirits of the people who have to stay here. Who says a hospital HAS TO BE white?? BUT....if a suite opens up, I am supposed to be moving. Let's hope it does soon.

So now for the treatment. This one will be just like my first treatment. Please pray that it goes smoothly and I don't get as sick as I did the first go round. They have taken my blood to the lab to make sure I am good to go, hooked me up to the IV pump with fluids and brought me 21 pills to take. Yes, you read that right...21!! By the end of the day, I think it comes to around 35 pills I have to take. Unfortunately, both of the stitches holding my PICC line in popped and so they can't start the chemo until they get the okay from the doctor or the orders to restitch it. So...we wait.

On Thursday, I had another bone marrow biopsy. They totally knocked me out for that one. It was a different type "knock out" than for surgery or something. I was only out for about 30 minutes (if that) and I didn't feel all groggy afterwards. I just felt like I had taken a nap. I thought surely this was the way to go. I later found out that it wasn't a walk in the park like I thought. The soreness was about 10 times worse than when they did the biopsy when I was awake. It hurt to roll over, sit up, stand up, walk, sit down, lay down...etc. I don't know why it was worse though. I don't know if the numbing medicine they put in when I am awake helps with the soreness or if they had to dig or go in multiple times when they knocked me out. The doctor was gone when I woke up so I haven't had a chance to ask her. I don't have the results yet, but hopefully in the next day or two I will.

Again, we cannot thank each of you enough for all your prayers and support. Every thought, prayer, e-mail and comment mean so much to us! We are still very excited to see what God has in store for us! For specific prayers right now, pray that I will get through this round smoothly, that next week won't be so bad so I can enjoy the 4th of July with my family, and that the girls have a great week at camp learning more about Jesus. PLEASE PLEASE also remember our friend James. He had his lymph node removed on Thursday and should be finding out the results of the biopsy this week. Please pray it is nothing!!



Anonymous said...

Me and my church are still praying for you. I keep them updated on specific prayers on a weekly basis. I know its been rough, but don't forget what you have claimed since the beginning...WITH GOD, WE WILL BEAT THIS! Love ya girl!

Anonymous said...

Vanessa and Rob... I hope you can view this video of my new fav Christian musician... Meridith Andrews singing "You are Not Alone". It really ministers to me and I hope it will you too. Our fam and church is praying for you. Love ya! Miz Cindy

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you had a good weekend! You needed that boost. I am praying that a suite opens up and that you get to hold on to your "spoiled" status a little longer-you deserve the best. Hi to your mom and Rob. Love ya, chica!

Beth said...

You deserve to be spoiled!! Hopefully a room will open up soon. I hope and pray you make it through this round with few road blocks and little or NO sickness!! WITH GOD, WE WILL BEAT THIS! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm...I don't think getting/wanting a "suite" for the purpose of receiving chemo qualifies as "spoiled". I hope you get one and I pray this round goes well for you. I'm glad those cute little girls of yours are having a fun week, too. They probably needed the distraction and I hope it's a nice little break for Rob. God has blessed y'all with such a sweet family. I'm praying His continued blessings for you. Faith, Hope & Love, Miz Lesa