Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Bone Marrow and Blood Counts

Well, I went to the doctor yesterday for a check-up. My blood counts shot up from last time. My white blood count went from 0.1 on Friday to 24 on Tuesday. That is actually about double normal amount, but considering everything, my doctor was very excited with this. My platelet count went from 18 to 118. This is good because I am on track to start chemo on Monday which means I can stay on schedule which is so important to me. My hemoglobin actually went down 2 points, but my doctor said that was okay.

Now for the bone marrow, it was time for them to do another bone marrow aspirate. I was so nervous. The first time they did one, I took a Xanax before we went, so I was nervous but not like I was yesterday. My doctor promised to HEAVILY medicate me when I got there so I didn't bother with the Xanax. Well, the nurse came in and had Ativan and Demerol, which is the same medication they give me for the lumbar punctures. I told him that the doctor promised me "HEAVILY" medication. He went and talked to her and came back with some phenegran. I was pretty loopy after that. Well, they started the procedure and it still hurt like crazy. They couldn't get any marrow to come out, so they had to try again and do another puncture. This was fun! Well, they still couldn't get any marrow out. Apparently, my bone marrow clotted when my white blood count went up. I'm not a "medical" person, so this may be wrong, but from what I understand, that could cause it. Well, they decided not to hurt me anymore, so tomorrow (Thursday), I go in at 7:00am and they will completely knock me out and do the procedure until they get some bone marrow. Please pray they get it pretty early in the procedure because it does leave me sore. Also, please pray that there is no problem with the anesthesia. I have never had any issues with it, but just in case.

Thank you all for all the emails we have received recently and for all the prayers. We appreciate each and everyone of you!




My Precious Nessa:

I am praying for today! You are such an inspiration to me and so many others ... the good blogs, the bad blogs and everything in between. Thanks for allowing us to know how to pray for you. Sending my love today and praying great results!

I love you dearly, Mama D

Unknown said...

I know that you are probably sound asleep and getting the aspiration as I write and won't see this until tomorrow. I want you and Rob to know that Dad and I love you very much. We have put you into God's hands and trusting Him to care for you.

Anonymous said...

You and your family are ALWAYS in my daily thoughts and prayers. Keep on keepin' on...I hope you get to enjoy my package when you get back from you...Ginger

Anonymous said...

Vanessa, I hope that all went well with aspiration this time. I am thinking of you so much and praying for you all the time. We love you all very much!!