Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Boy or Girl?

So, here we are, 22 weeks into this pregnancy. After waiting and waiting, we FINALLY had our sonogram appointment to find out if we are having a boy or a girl. In the beginning, we both REALLY wanted a boy. Can you blame us?? We already have two beautiful daughters, so a son would be awesome. Soon after that, I really didn't care, I just wanted my baby to be healthy. Rob still was hoping for a boy. Soon, my "mother's instinct" kicked in and I was absolutely sure we were having a girl. To the point that I really only looked at pink stuff. Rob wouldn't even discuss a girl name or look at anything pink because he was so sure it was a boy. Well, we went in for our ultrasound, she took her measurements, said the baby was looking good. Measuring around where it should be (some right on schedule, a few a week ahead). Everything looked good. Then, she asked if we wanted to know what "flavor" we were getting. Well, of course we wanted to know! She looked and said "well, it looks like y'all have a little boy here." Rob was jumping up and down, I looked at her and said, "WHAT!?!?!" I was so sure she was going to say girl. Either way, we are very excited, but...

We are happy to announce that Cameron Shaw Mullins will be joining our household in August (if he isn't early!) The name comes from - Cameron- just a name we liked, Shaw- my paternal grandmother's maiden name. My grandmother was such a HUGE part of my life that I really wanted to use a family name from that side of the family. We have had our boy name picked for quite some time (YEARS!!!). For our girl name, just for those of you who have bugged me like crazy, was/is Raeleigh Joy. Rae- mine, my mom's, and my maternal grandfather's middle name, not to mention MANY cousins middle names, leigh- well, b/c her sister's are Emilee and Natalie, so we had to go with a "lee" name, and Joy- because of the situation and all the joy this pregnancy has brought to our life. So, maybe in the future (like 4 or 5 years down the road), we can use that girl name.
So, I leave you with some pictures of our little man...

His sweet arms!

Isn't that just the most precious profile!

Sittin' back relaxin' just like his daddy!

It's a BOY!!!

His face...I know, he looks like a skeleton, but it's him!

Hi everybody!
Sucking his thumb

A cute profile again!!!


Haelie said...

WooHoo!!! Get ready for lots of dirty (in a good way) fun!!! ;)

Crystal said...

Precious and absolutely perfect!

Tracy said...

Yeah!!! A baby boy! That is going to be wonderful!!!