Friday, February 26, 2010

What's in a Name??

I think Shakespeare said it best...

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose
by any other name would smell as sweet;"

Or would it??

Would you really feel the same way if someone came to you and said "smell, it's called a skunk"? It's just not as pretty sounding and doesn't sound like something I want to smell. Is that because we have a preconceived notion that "skunk" = stink?? If I came to you and said "this is a thing-a-ma-bob, smell it." Would you like it? Does that roll off the tongue like rose?

Well, here is the dilemma. We are trying to come up with names for the baby. I think this is really one of the hardest decisions as a parent that you have to make. I mean, this is the name that our baby will have for the rest of his or her life. I mean, you go through all the possibilities, is this a name they can be picked on for? Should we go with a unique name that nobody can pronounce or spell? Do we go with a good standard? Do we include family names? Do we do Jr.'s?

I'm not complaining, I'm really not, but it's a lot to think about. We have had our boy name picked out for several years, so that wasn't an issue. I'm not telling just yet what it is, but it is a common but not popular first name with a family name for a middle name. Rob and I, thankfully, feel the same way about Jr.'s or 3rds or 4ths, etc. We just aren't fond of it. Not doggin' ya if you are a Jr., but it's not for us. I just feel that God made everyone different, so why should they have someone else's name? They need their own name. So, we have been going round and round for a girls name for awhile. Rob wouldn't really discuss a girl's name for so long because he is SURE this is a boy. Well, my gut is saying girl, so I'm just trying to be on the safe side and get a name for both. Finally, we agreed on a first name. The middle name is another story. We've gone with names we like to family names to names that are similar to family names. I finally gave up and told Rob the middle name was up to him. He said if we go in and they tell us it is a girl, he'll make up his mind right then. So, let's just hope he doesn't spit out something crazy.

So, we go back to the doctor on Monday and HOPEFULLY, they will be able to tell us if it is a boy or a girl. I'm so ready to find out so I can start looking for bedding and clothes and all kinds of stuff. We are slowly rearranging the house to make room for everything that comes with having a baby. It's crazy!

Well, that's about all for now. Hope everyone is having a great day!


Tracy said...

Picking a name is really hard! Trey wouldn't even discuss names until we knew if the baby was a boy or a girl. He said it would eliminate half the battle. But it still took months for us to agree on the name!

M~ said...

Girl pick a name for both, maybe a couple of choices and then when the baby comes, look into your baby's face and see what name is fits him or her. And let me tell you.....pick one for both even after you find out what you are having. I was suppose to be a boy and my name was going to be Michael and my mom had NO name picked out for a girl. I know technology is way better now but prepared. I don't even want to tell you how my family came up with my name or how long I went with no name! lol