I recently discovered I had a new growth. It's very small, but will grow very rapidly. So, here's the scoop:
It's no secret that Rob and I want to have more children. We were contemplating on trying to have a baby when I was diagnosed. So, we took precautions before the chemo started, but nothing was guaranteed. We opted for the Lupron shot that would put me into early menopause, therefore tricking the chemo into thinking my ovaries were dead and did not need to be destroyed.
Well, a few months ago, I had what the doctor's believed to be a "hormonal imbalance" due to chemo side-effects. Because of this, we decided that maybe I should stop birth control pills since they were putting more hormones into my body. So, I got off the pill and we used "other methods" of birth control. I have been told that it was very likely that I would have difficulty, if even at all, getting pregnant due to the chemo. Rob and I discussed trying for a baby soon and came to the conclusion that we would wait until early next year, like March or April.
Apparently, God had other plans. About two weeks ago, I began to have some of the same symptoms as before. I thought it was still a hormonal imbalance, but decided to take an at home test just to be sure. So on December 11, 2009, I took the test and well...
We were in such shock that we just stared at the stick for several minutes (like 30!). Then we started getting excited. I wanted to tell our families at Christmas since we were only a couple of weeks away. So then we started planning that. We took some pictures for proof and then started brainstorming. We were giving Rob's mom a digital picture frame for Christmas, so I uploaded the pictures of the stick and me holding the stick. Then, we had to figure out a way to tell my parents. We also decided to not tell the girls until Christmas because they are not the best secret keepers.
I called the doctor on Monday morning to get in and get it confirmed. I was told that they don't "confirm" anymore, and they just take the home tests as the final word. Well, I wasn't completely convinced since we weren't trying AND it was supposed to be "difficult" for me to conceive. So, they set me up for my 10 week appointment and ultrasound. Within 30 minutes, the nurse called back and said the doctor wanted to see me that week due to my history. I was relieved. Rob was able to make the appointment with me and I'm so glad he did. Much to our surprise, the doctor went ahead and did the ultrasound even though I was only 5 weeks. See...sometimes cancer can have perks (just not usually)!
So, here is our baby. After getting the ultrasound, it was obvious to me how to tell my family. I framed the ultrasound and wrapped it up and put it under the tree. When the present was opened, it was perfect! The doctor said everything looked great at the moment, but I'm being treated as "high risk". I'm about 7 weeks now and I'm due on August 18, 2010. We are so very excited and are ready for this next adventure God has given us. He has definitely blessed us with a miracle!
How GREAT and MIGHTY is the Lord our God!!!! I am so excited and happy for you!!!
That is AMAZING!
I can't believe it.
Ok - can you tell I am shocked??
We were told this month that our only option for biological child is IVF. We are praying about that and adoption...
This reminds me that God can always have something else planned entirely!
That is wonderful news! I am very happy for you and Rob! Thank you for sharing the news on the Miracle God has given your Family.
Bill D
I am still so excited. Our God is so great and wonderful. It is His Amazing Love.
I cannot wait until August!!! Best Christmas surprise ever! :-)
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