Thursday, August 7, 2008

Chillin' at Home

Hey everyone! It's me again. I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in awhile, but the neuropathy has hindered me from doing several everyday things. I'm now on a medication to help with it. The pain has lessened, but my hands are still completely numb. I'm sure you can imagine how some everyday things could become difficult when you can't feel your hands. My handwriting is absolutely horrible now! Anyways, back to the important stuff. I have been home for a few days now. I want to thank everyone who called, emailed, and came to visit while I was in ICU. Unfortunately/Fortunately, I'm not sure which one, I don't remember majority of my time there. I remember the first 2 days, and not much more. Rob and my mom have tried to fill me in on everyone and I am completely blown away by the amount of people who came and called. I am so touched!! Rob did a good job of keeping everyone informed of what was going on so I won't go through all the details again. I did go to the doctor on Tuesday of this week and my counts were pretty good. My WBC was 14 which is good. It is still a little above normal so I'm glad it's up. My platelets are at 84. They need to get to at least 100 before I can start chemo again, but they have a few weeks to get there. I think they are waiting until around the first week in September to start my chemo again. They want to make sure I am completely recovered before they knock me down again. We are also going to MD Anderson next week for a check up appointment. The doctor there is the one who has been working with my doctor on my chemo regiment. They are already taking away one of the medications from my next round, but he might take away more so that would be great!! Putting off my chemo pushes me to finishing in November instead of October, but to keep my health and have a couple of "good" weeks, I'll take it. Again, I just want to thank each of you who have prayed for me and my family through all of this. I really don't think we could get through all of this without you!

On another note, I have asked you to pray for little Sully Farrar in the past. Sully lost his fight with leukemia last week and went home to be with the Lord. Please remember his family as they go through this rough time.



Anonymous said...

Welcome back to your was nice to see an update from none other than YOU! The neuropathy is a crummy side effect and I am sorry you have to endure that. We were all relieved when the "crisis" passed and you were better. This verse was mentioned in church Sunday and I immediately thought of you: ".......I am the Lord that healeth thee." Ex. 15:26
I hope you enjoy your "vacation" from chemo and gain strength to finish the fight. That's what I'm praying for. Love, Miz Lesa :)

Tim and Rebecca said...

Now I know you remember me coming out there and visiting. You better. I drove over 6 hours to come see you girl. Oh yea and that guy.....what do you call him? Ohh, uh....husband.
I had a great time visiting with you and hearing Natalie talk about EVERYTHING all the way to Tyler. We can't forget about giving Emma a hard time about them boys. Your poor, mom. If she didn't think I was loud and annoying before, then she does now. Nothing personal Vanessa's mom. I just like to joke and have fun. Talk with ya later, Little Sis