Monday, April 19, 2010

Two Years and Counting!

On Saturday, April 17th, I took a moment to think back to two years ago. That was the day I was told I had cancer. A day that changed mine and my family's life forever. As I reflected on it, I remember thinking that the "thing" that would not and could not happen to me, had just happened! I remember wondering why God would allow me to go through such an experience. There are days that I still wonder this. There are days that I know the answer to this. Anytime I come in contact with someone with the same battle and I can empathize with them, or talk to them and their families, I understand. Days when people tell me my testimony through the process and how I continued to praise God, even through the tough times, I understand. And, the days someone tells me, that I inspired them to go back to church or to start reading their Bible again, I understand. But, on most days, it's still a mystery.

Would I change it if I could? Well, if you're wondering if I want the side effects, the sickness, and everything else that went with it, then NO...I don't wish that upon ANYONE! But, do I wish it all away? Absolutely not! I am not the same person I was two years ago. God has shaped me and molded me to the woman I am today, and for some reason, cancer and chemo were part of that process for me. Do I want to go through it all over again? NO!!! That was a stupid question, but if God chooses, He knows why and I will trust Him all over again!

The more I pondered the same day two years ago, it made me realize just how short two years can be, but just how much can change in that short amount of time. In two years, I went from beginning a fight for my life to growing a precious life inside me. WOW!!! That is ALL God!

I am so truly blessed!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Boy or Girl?

So, here we are, 22 weeks into this pregnancy. After waiting and waiting, we FINALLY had our sonogram appointment to find out if we are having a boy or a girl. In the beginning, we both REALLY wanted a boy. Can you blame us?? We already have two beautiful daughters, so a son would be awesome. Soon after that, I really didn't care, I just wanted my baby to be healthy. Rob still was hoping for a boy. Soon, my "mother's instinct" kicked in and I was absolutely sure we were having a girl. To the point that I really only looked at pink stuff. Rob wouldn't even discuss a girl name or look at anything pink because he was so sure it was a boy. Well, we went in for our ultrasound, she took her measurements, said the baby was looking good. Measuring around where it should be (some right on schedule, a few a week ahead). Everything looked good. Then, she asked if we wanted to know what "flavor" we were getting. Well, of course we wanted to know! She looked and said "well, it looks like y'all have a little boy here." Rob was jumping up and down, I looked at her and said, "WHAT!?!?!" I was so sure she was going to say girl. Either way, we are very excited, but...

We are happy to announce that Cameron Shaw Mullins will be joining our household in August (if he isn't early!) The name comes from - Cameron- just a name we liked, Shaw- my paternal grandmother's maiden name. My grandmother was such a HUGE part of my life that I really wanted to use a family name from that side of the family. We have had our boy name picked for quite some time (YEARS!!!). For our girl name, just for those of you who have bugged me like crazy, was/is Raeleigh Joy. Rae- mine, my mom's, and my maternal grandfather's middle name, not to mention MANY cousins middle names, leigh- well, b/c her sister's are Emilee and Natalie, so we had to go with a "lee" name, and Joy- because of the situation and all the joy this pregnancy has brought to our life. So, maybe in the future (like 4 or 5 years down the road), we can use that girl name.
So, I leave you with some pictures of our little man...

His sweet arms!

Isn't that just the most precious profile!

Sittin' back relaxin' just like his daddy!

It's a BOY!!!

His face...I know, he looks like a skeleton, but it's him!

Hi everybody!
Sucking his thumb

A cute profile again!!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

21 weeks

Oh WOW!!! Check out that belly! I had no idea it was that big until I saw this picture! HAHAHA! And man, do I look tired! Things are going great right now! We go in on the 12th to find out if we are having a boy or a girl. We can't wait! We are so ready to start getting things ready for our little miracle. We still only have the crib set up, but at least it is a start!

I hope everyone had a great Easter and took a few minutes to think about what we were really celebrating...HE IS RISEN!!! This year has been such an amazing year so far, and I hope it continues.

Sorry this post is so short, but there really isn't a whole lot going on right now. Just work and staying busy with the girl's activities. They are so excited to find out if they will have a brother or sister. I will let you know as soon as we find out!