Monday, June 16, 2008

My Weak Week

Sorry I haven't updated this week, but it has been kind of tough for me. Not just physically, but emotionally as well. Like I said in my last blog, we were supposed to be at Disney World this week and obviously we didn't get to go. It did help to know that it stormed all week in Orlando. For the first part of the week, I was nauseated pretty much all day every day. It wasn't fun. It wasn't as bad as the last round of chemo, but it still gets on your nerves. The only time I felt okay was when I was laying in the bed, so that's how I spent most of the week. I would get up as much as I could, but after about 30 minutes, I would have to go lay down again. Even the medicine didn't help.

On Sunday, I was able to make it to Sunday School, but I was pretty tired after that. I came home and we ate dinner and then I took a short nap. My parents, Patsy, my brother, sister-in-law and nephews came in yesterday for Father's Day. It was really nice to see everyone and get to have a "normal" day. Today, I am just kind of in a daze. It is called chemo brain. I've been exhausted all day, but not sleepy.

Tomorrow morning at 9am, I go to the doctor where I am supposed to get another bone marrow aspirate. I know, so thrilling!! I just can't wait!! They are going to be checking to see how much my bone marrow has cleared. They did the last test through my blood, but they don't know for sure until they get bone marrow. My counts have to be up to do it, but I'm not sure what they have to be.

I'll let y'all know what the doctor says. Thanks for the prayers!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was good to see an update from you, Vanessa. Every day I check and when it's been a while with no blog update I know you're having a difficult time. I think you are doing as well as anyone possibly could with the challenges you are facing in every way and I am continuing to lift you up in prayer along with your family. Love ya.....Miz Lesa