Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Lumbar Puncture and Lettuce

Well, it has been a good day- mostly. My EARLY morning started around 3am when I woke up with Acid Reflux. I ordered up some tums, raised the head of my bed and drifted in and out until 3:30 when they brought me my tums and came in to get some blood. After all that was said and done, I was pretty awake, but was still able to go back to sleep until about 6:30. The nurse came in with my sedative (Ativan) and pain killer (Demerol). I was kind of woozy for a few minutes. Dr. Lee came in around 7:15 and we got started on the lumbar puncture. It took her 3 different places to finally get into my spine. It was not fun, but once she got in, it only took about 10 minutes. My CSF was clear again...YEAH!! I then had to lay on my back for 4 hours again. I stayed about 4 hours and 20 minutes just to make sure, but that was as long as my body was going to let me stay there. I mean, they have 2 bags of fluid, 1 bag of chemo and 1 bag of fluid and Zofran (nausea medicine) pumping into me constantly. You wouldn't be able to lay there any longer either.

Right after that, they brought in lunch. I had specially ordered a ham and cheese sandwich. Since my counts are so high right now, I am not neutropenic for the time being so I was able to have lettuce, tomatoes and pickles on my sandwich. It was so good! I know it might only be for a little while, but I'm enjoying it! Last night with dinner, I was served a small salad. Granted, it was only lettuce and ranch dressing, but it was one of the best salads I have ever had (next to Olive Garden of course). It's amazing what you miss when you can't have it.

For the rest of the day, mom and I took a walk around the oncology floor and then we sat on the couch and watched TV. Once my bag of chemo was done around 5pm, they came in and had to get a blood sample from me. Again, they couldn't take it from my PICC line, so I had to get stuck. Yuck! But the good news was, I was going to be unhooked for a few minutes so I was able to take a shower...yipee! Again, the simple things...

Well, I still feel good. I haven't had the unsteadiness and light-headedness that they said I would, so that is all of your prayers. Thank you so much!



Jaclyn Litton said...

Hang in there girl! I'm praying for you!!!! It's amazing to see all that God is doing to you and through you...it has enhanced my prayer life for sure!

Anonymous said...

Yaaay for lettuce and a shower!! You've got the best attitude and you eximplify "in everything give thanks". Anyone who reads your blog will be encouraged to find something to be thankful for in their own life :)